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    Monday 15 March 2022

    Wasps in the House - What to Do

    Help: Wasp! That's what it often sounds like when we discover wasps on the cake, at lunch or even whole wasp nests in and around the house. But what to do if wasps build their nest under your roof or in the roller shutter box? Wasp stings are often painful and cause anxiety; they can even be life-threatening for children and allergy sufferers. But you can simply get rid of the unpopular insects yourself and what is the safest way to deal with a wasp nest? You can find out in this article.

    Wasp nests: not always a danger

    Many people are either afraid of wasps or just find them annoying. But anyone who has a wasp nest in the house or roller shutter box usually has nothing to worry about, because most of the approximately 600 wasp species in Germany are harmless and harmless to us humans. Therefore, not all wasp nests have to be removed. The wasps only use their nest as a shelter for one year. Only the queen survives in autumn or winter, and in spring she looks for a new place for the next nest. She prefers to build this in dark, wind-protected and dry cavities. Attics and roller shutter boxes offer optimal conditions here. If the nest is at least twenty feet from the house, it's usually easier to leave it in place until the wasps are done using it. Tip: Keep your distance so as not to threaten the wasps, as they may sting in panic situations.

    When the nest should be removed

    There are two species of wasps whose nests should not be kept near or directly in the house: the common wasp and the German wasp. Both species belong to the group of aggressive stinging wasps and can be dangerous for people, especially people with allergies. However, for the layman, they are difficult to distinguish from other species, which is why we strongly recommend consulting a wasp expert for advice. For other wasp species, it is also advisable to call in an expert if the nest has to be removed, if it is located directly in the house and the residents cannot keep their distance from the animals or the wasps damage the building material. Residents of a rented apartment are obliged to report a wasp nest on the balcony to the landlord. In return, the latter is obliged to pay for the costs of removal.

    Bring in experts: beekeepers, exterminators or pest controllers

    Due to the Animal Welfare Act, laypersons are not allowed to remove a wasp nest themselves. Anyone who carries out the relocation of the nest or kills the wasps themselves must expect a large fine. That's why we strongly recommend bringing in an exterminator, beekeeper or pest controller. With the help of experts, you can also prevent serious stab injuries during resettlement.

    How to prevent wasp nests

    If you want to prevent the animals from settling in the house, you can resort to some preventive measures. Wasps like to use parts of wood paneling in/on the house to build their nests. It is therefore advisable to regularly check all wood paneling for nests. You should also harvest fruit in good time, as it can attract wasps. If the nest is already up, a privacy screen will come in handy to hide you from the wasps so they don't feel threatened.

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